Wednesday, February 3

Gestational Diabetes? Let's hope not!!!

So, I failed my 1 hour glucose test. I don't know by how much, I just know I had to do the lovely 3 hour test. For that one I had to go into the office at 8:40 fasting. They then drew my blood and made me drink the lovely orange drink (side note: the red drink they have is SOOO much better than the orange. I did the red on Monday with no complaints). After 1 hour they drew my blood. Then at 2 hours they drew my blood again. Finally, at 11:50 I had my 4th and final blood draw. I had to sit in my doctors waiting room for 3 hours. Another side note, there was a lady there probably 3-4 months pregnant with her husband there her 7 monthish old son and a daughter that was probably 22 months...maybe?!!! My thought was, good luck. I am exhausted for them!!!
I was really worried about how I would handle not eating for 15 hours straight, but I was fine....UNTIL I ate. I stopped by Arby's for a roasted chicken sandwich. I honestly almost passed out after I started eating. I really shouldn't have driven home as I was close to blacking out. I did make it home and a few hours later felt normal....well, as normal for a pregnant lady. Anyway, I should find out on Friday the results. I am sure everything is normal, which makes the whole process quite frustrating!!! Let's hope I don't have it. One of the major side effects is the baby tends to grow more rappidly, but not necessarily the lungs. The problem? I had a 9 lb 3 oz baby 1 week early WITHOUT gestational diabetes!! So, if it comes back positive, we might as well schedule a c-section right now because there ain't no way I am getting a 10 lb baby out the hard way!!!


Sara Ann said...

Oh no! I hope it's negative too. I don't want you to have to push out a 10 lb baby the hard way either, yikes!

Ruth said...

You're in my prayers! After what you went through with your last pregnancy, you deserve smooth sailing with this one!

Bre said...

Oh, man, I really hope you don't have it. I just barely passed my test by 5 points. And the orange drink is NASTY. I seriously almost vomited all over the lounge while drinking it. SO SO SO SO GROSS! Let me know the results! Love you, sis!

Kim said...

Tamra, I am soooo sorry. I, too, failed the first glucose test I took with my pregnancy with Austin. I knew it was wrong. I am hypoglycemic, not diabetic. When they made me take the other - double the amount - glucose drink in their office for the three hour test I was sooo sick. I almost passed out and threw up. I was seriously crying I was so sick. Nobody should have to go through all of that. In the end - of course I did not have gestational diabetes. I was so mad they made me take it. But, better than that 10 lb. baby, right!? Good luck. I hope everything turns out okay.

WOLF-PACK said...

I will keep my fingers crossed for you!! I hope you are feeling well :)