Here is an adorable picture of all of my kiddos around the Christmas tree!! How blessed I am this Christmas. (So, I have four color versions). I need opinions on what people like the best!!
#1-Normal Color
#2-Black and white with some color
#3-Pure black and white#4-Aged color
Wednesday, December 22
Christmas Picture
Posted by Tamara at 3:29 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, December 21
Tuesday, November 30
So Fast?
How do little people grow up so fast? Last week we went to California for Thanksgiving. Before we left Benjamin could sit up a little with our help and was barely eating solids. By the time we left California he was downing jars of baby food and sitting all by himself. Also, he is doing so much better at rolling over. However, sometimes he gets stuck on one side so he starts army crawling, by default, he doesn't really mean to. It is completely insane how fast he is growing up!!
Posted by Tamara at 10:08 PM 7 comments
Labels: Benjamin
Sunday, November 14
6 Month Stats
Okay, so my little guy is still so little. By far my smallest of all of my kids. He either has the Bell metabolism (that I did NOT inherit once I got married....darn it!) or my milk isn't cream this time. Anyway, he weighed in at 14 lbs 6 oz which is the 4th percentile!! That is actually down from the 10th percentile the last time, but my doctor isn't worried at all, which is good because I really am not worried. He was almost 26 inches long which is the 27th percentile!! So, long and skinny (okay, not really that long but in comparison to his length he is still a cute little bean pole)!!
I started him on solids this week. He isn't loving it, but he will get it. I waited as long as I could because I really don't enjoy the baby food scene. But, he is always trying to eat my table food so it was time.
Benjamin has learned to roll over, finally. The great news is he still doesn't do it very often. He hates being on his stomach so he doesn't roll to that very much. If I put him on his stomach he rolls to his back pretty fast. I am liking that he isn't on the move yet. I am SOOO not ready for that. He can also sit up on his own for a short bit. It is getting longer and longer each day. I am ready for him to do that as life gets so much more fun for him. I have the bumbo, but he wiggles and arches his back to try to get out that it is no longer safe for him to be in it.
I love this little guy. There is not a day that goes by that I am not grateful for him. He is such a blessing to our family!!
Posted by Tamara at 8:48 AM 3 comments
Labels: Benjamin
Thursday, October 21
Benefit Concert for Ruth Clark
Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 7:30 PM
Pleasant Grove Jr High Auditorium
*Admission is free, but donations are encouraged*
Ruth Clark is a ‘super-mom’. She is married to her best friend Jared. Together they have 4 wonderful children: Joshua (deceased), Katie 8, Nathan 5, and Alice 1. Ruth majored in vocal performance and shares her time and talents with many people. She has organized benefit concerts for others in need, conducted choirs, directed Christmas and Easter programs, and much more. Ruth is not only musically talented but has many other wonderful attributes. She is very outgoing, sensitive to others needs, an eternal optimist, and a hard worker. She never lets challenges get her down.
Ruth will need these attributes and more to fight a disease that now threatens her life. Ruth was recently diagnosed with breast cancer which has now spread into her bones. Doctors have pronounced the cancer terminal; it is not curable and at the moment they are treating it the best they can.
Ruth and Jared have been ‘students’ for the past 10 years. Jared has been working on his PhD and was going to graduate this August, but pushed back his graduation to spend more time with his family. Ruth and Jared are struggling financially trying to meet all the needs of Ruth’s doctor appointments, tests, and chemo therapy. This benefit concert will be held in her honor with all the proceeds going to pay for Ruth’s cancer treatments. Ruth and her family need any help we can give them. Please bring your friends and family members to the concert. It will be a fabulous evening of music with dancing, piano performances, vocal solos, choir performances, flute and guitar solos, and much more!
Come and enjoy a fantastic night of music in honor of Ruth!
If you can't come but would still like to help out click on the button and donate through pay pal using a debit or credit card. It is free and completely secure.
Posted by Tamara at 1:59 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 7
Dear Patience
Dear Patience,
Where did you go? Ryan prayed today that "mom might find her patience". Please come back. Obviously I need you!!
Posted by Tamara at 7:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: Tamara
Quick update
So, I am about ready to give up blogging. It is just one more thing on my to do list that doesn't get done and the guilt just eats at me...oh well. Anyway, here is just a quick update of what is happening around here.
Benjamin: He had his month check month ago!! He weighed in at 12 lbs 11 oz (9 percentile) and was 23.5 inches (32 percentile). He pukes tons, although when I drink Kiefer milk it seems to help. He still loves to be held and entertained. He does not nap well, but sleeps awesome at night (the best was two nights ago when he slept from 7:30pm until 6:30am). But don't worry, the next night he slept from 8-12:30 and then woke up again at 5:30. So, nothing consistent but for the most part he doesn't wake up until the 5 oclock hour. That is good because naps are nonexistent around here. He is still a very cute and happy kid. He is growing way too fast.Poor Benjamin was dragged around in this little stroller all night when we had a girls night (he was the only boy). Last one he will ever want to attend!!
Becca: She is a handful. Especially with all of her playmates at school. She loves to watch Care Bears and Veggie Tales on Netflix. I have finally gotten her some other craft activities to keep her busy while Ash is gone. She loves to throw tantrums and in the next breath say something absolutely adorable. It is a dang good thing we have those happy moments. She loves Benjamin to death and wants to hold him all of the time. Too bad sometimes she gives too much love and ruins a good thing (like him actually being happy on his own for a moment or two). The other day she decided she didn't like how long her hair was (barely to her shoulders thanks to last years hair cut from Ash) so she cut her hair. I had to go get it fixed once again from a sweet lady in my ward. She now has Dora hair which she thinks is great since that is what she is going to be for Halloween.This is pre-hair cut photo. It is now pretty hard to pull the bangs back since they were cut short. One day they will grow out!!
Ashlyn: She is my sweet Kindergartner that really loves any minute. She is sad to be in the same class as all of her friends in our ward, but she is making new friends. This really is a talent of hers. She is starting to learn to read pretty well. It is fun to see the progress she has made in this first month of school. She loves to dress herself and it is usually pretty stylish and cute. She is also starting piano and doing pretty well, when we remember to practice. She is a HUGE help with Benjamin. She loves to change his diaper and play house with him.My beautiful Ashlyn. She really is growing up so quickly. Do you guys like her cute headband? My sister in law has started making and selling them. I LOVE THEM!!!
Makayla: She is another smarty pants. She is the top reader in her class, which is nice to not have to worry about that. She just started Activity Days and loves it. She had her first Daddy Daughter night and Brad had to go to an over night Scout training. So, she got to go with her Papa who was in town from California. Her biggest news is she is getting baptized on Saturday. She couldn't be more excited for that.One day I will get caught up and post all of her gorgeous baptism photos. I did her and my nephew McKay at the same time (he is exactly 2 weeks older than her). They looked like a little bride and groom. It was adorable!!!
Ryan: There is a reason he was sent to me first. He really is such a big helper, most of the time. Come on, he is only 9 and is still a kid (I have to remind myself of that sometimes). He is doing extremely well in school. He was chosen to help tutor some younger kids in school even though his class isn't doing it yet (another teacher needed a 3 kids to help his class). He is currently in a play for Lehi City Arts Council that he will do in November. He scored a solo!! Whoo hoo....except he won't sing it for me!! He is also super busy practicing the song "Follow the Prophet". He will be accompanying the entire primary for the Primary program. He knows the song really well, we are just practicing what he does if he makes a mistake and has to keep going.Ryan earned his Bear in Cub Scouts this month. We always try to work really hard over the summer so that once schools hits and I am busy with school we don't have to worry about it too much. He and I are still enjoying scouts together as I am one of his Den leaders.
Brad and I are trying to stay sane with all life has given to us. Nothing big and exciting, just life.Brad is looking for a new job, so if you hear of anything in the Marketing realm, please let us know. (He isn't out of work, just looking to further his career). I am doing my best to balance everything, I fall short daily, but I go to bed, even after the worst of days and say to myself "Tomorrow is a new day and will be better". Most of the time it is. I do worry when at 10am I am thinking those thoughts to myself, but, don't we all have days like that? Life is good, just busy. I keep thinking it will get better, but who am I kidding? The older my kids get the busier it will be, especially in the afternoons. At least I have been blessed with the most amazing kids and the best husband in the world.
PS If anyone is looking to sell or just lend out an exersaucer for babies I am in the market. Sadly enough I have never had one for any of my children. I think it would be a great thing to help entertain Benjamin so I don't have to hold him so much. He is getting better, but we need lots of things to entertain him with these days.
Thursday, September 2
Big boy
Benjamin is growing like a weed. He still isn't quite the chubbers my other kids have been at this stage, but he is getting bigger. Today he was wearing a romper that used to drown him and it is starting to get small. Don't worry, it is newborn, but is getting small. He is such a sweetie. He is spoiled with attention, which means he always wants it. As long as he can see me or someone else he is generally happy. He loves his swing, bouncy chair, and the bumbo. None of my other kids have had a bumbo. Let me tell you, I love it. He loves it. We are all happy!!
Posted by Tamara at 9:27 PM 3 comments
Labels: Benjamin
The First Day of.......
Welcome to the first days of many things for all of my kids. On August 25th it was the first day of school for Ryan and Makayla. Makayla was lucky enough to get Mr Rindlisbacher (he calls himself Mr Rindy) for 2nd grade. Ryan LOVED him when he had him in 2nd grade and we were all thrilled that Makayla got him. In fact, I have decided to be one of the two room mothers for him this year. I thought it would be nice for me to be a room mom for each of my kids once (or at least assistant room mom). I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I think this will be a great class for it. So, I guess I also made the list of firsts as this is my first room mom experience. Makayla also had a first....her first cavity filled. It actually was 4 cavities. Man, we now know she has teeth to really watch. We have stepped up the brushing and flossing in hopes of preventing more!! Makayla is my first child to have a cavity. Not too bad. She did really really well. Her poor lip is swollen. I think she bit it when it was numb. But bless her heart, she hasn't complained once.Ryan with his two best friends. They had arranged to wear matching shirts...which says "Smooth like butta!!"
Ryan got Mrs Rivera. He actually had gotten a different teacher and I fought to get him changed. I usually don't like to rock the boat at all but really felt it was best in this case. This teacher will work him hard and help him learn how to really be responsible and organized. He is excited because this is his first time being in class with one of his friends (his best friend Ben...they had better behave!!)
On September 1st Ashlyn had her first day of Kindergarten. Boy was she excited. She didn't understand that she goes 1 hour and 15 min after Ryan and Makayla goes to school. It was the longest hour ever!! She LOVED her first day. I can already, after two days, see her blossoming out of her timid shell.
This week was my first week teaching piano since having Benjamin. It actually went really well. I am not teaching quite as much so it is much more enjoyable. We are still getting into the swing of things, but we will get it!
The last first has to be one of the biggest ones of all. Benjamin watched his very first football game. And I am proud to say, it was a UTAH game!! He LOVED it. Of course, who wouldn't? All you BYU fans....don't answer that!!
We have had a very busy two weeks. It will be nice when life settles down more (hmmm.....that will never happen, will it.)
Tuesday, August 24
Summertime and the living is easy!!
Well, the summer has come to a close. Tomorrow my home will be filled with new clothes, new hair cuts (pictures to be forthcoming), back packs, and EXTREMELY excited kids. Then, sooner than not, it will be quiet (well, okay not quiet as the three youngest will be around). The beginning of the school year also means the end of my blessed maternity leave. Wow!! How did that happen so quickly. Benjamin is now 15 weeks old and I must face the music and start working again. I sit hear and realize all the things I was hoping to get accomplished during this summer time before school started and I had NO time.
-I wanted to get all of my scrapbooks/photobooks updated (I am so severely behind it is ridiculous).
-I wanted to get all caught up on my blog for this year and last year so I can make a book out of them.
-I wanted to organize all of my pictures and clean up the computer with them.
-I wanted to play with some of my temple pictures and go take pictures of the Timp temple.
-I wanted to deep clean the entire house.
Well, none of that got done. Not even close. But, as I feel frustrated with that I reflect on what was accomplished in place of these things.
-I held Benjamin all the time and watched him grow in my arms.
-I read to my kids (still not near enough)
-I played hard with my kids. We bought a Trafalga season pass which after we bought it we found out it also included a season pass to Seven Peaks, the Owlz and now even the Utah Flash. We have been to Lehi Trafalga a few times, 2 Owlz games, and Seven Peaks around 4 times!! It has been so fun.
-I have read quite a few books (what else do you do when you are nursing your life away)
-I have been to California and Flaming Gorge (maybe one day I will blog about those trips)
So, it has been a good summer. I have few regrets. My pictures are still there to sort through and scrapbook. My house is still here to clean. The memories are still around to blog. However, my 15 week old will never be 6 weeks old again and learning to smile. So, it was a WONDERFUL summer. I am sad to see it go but excited to see what this school year hold.
Posted by Tamara at 7:47 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family
Sunday, July 25
Water skiing
I love to water ski. It is one of my favorite things to do. I learned as a pre teen from my uncle in Idaho. I remember trying over and over and the satisfaction of finally getting it. It really is a fond memory. Well, Allison and Bryce were kind enough to invite us to go boating last Saturday, July 17th. We had a great time. I was pretty worried that I wouldn't be able to get up as I am super out of shape and weigh more than usual. Well, after a couple of tries I got up on the wake board. I didn't stay up too long as I am so out of shape. I then tried the slalom ski. It took me way more tries than usual, but my determination prevailed and I got up and stayed up for a bit (a short bit as mt legs and arms were shaking). But, I did it and got the picture!!
Now, as exciting as it was for me, the best part of the day was seeing Ryan and Makayla learn. Mckay, my nephew, went first. He did pretty well but was done after a couple of tries. Ryan and Makayla practiced on the boat first. This kind of freaked them out, but after bribery they dared try it behind the boat.
Bryce went in with them (and an orange flag for safety) and helped them learn how to get up. Makayla went first (that girl has GUTS). She got right up and stayed up for a few seconds. I was holding the end of the roap so when she crashed if she didn't let go I let go so she doesn't drag. Well, that is the idea. I was so excited that she was up that when she crashed it took me a sec to remember to let go. She ended up crying, but is now ultra proud of herself, as she should be.
Ryan was super brave and got in, even after seeing Kayla fall. It took him a couple of tries but he eventually got up, kind of. He was up but crouched down. He looked like a frog. We told him he just needed to stand up. He was done after that. Next month, when we go to Flaming Gorge they will try again.
Posted by Tamara at 8:57 PM 2 comments